Casino Demographics


'The demographic profile of casino visitors is similar to that of the general U.S. While men are more likely to have visited a casino than women, and the average casino visitor is. The following statistics capture the demographics and overall gambling industry. Gambling Industry Employment. Casinos employ more than 1 million nationwide. Casino gaming equipment employ an additional 363,000 people. In the last 22 years, the casino workforce has increased more than 67%. Casino employees earn $13.2 billion in. As the casino industry confronts changing demographics, much attention has focused on non-gaming assets, as they are proving more popular with younger players than the gaming product itself. This is a challenge, of course, because the industry profit model, especially outside of Las Vegas, remains gaming-centric. Census Bureau data – free to use and a wealth of demographic information. Bureau of Labor Statistics Demographic categories used by the BLS include sex, age, race and ethnic origin. Social Security Fact Sheet – Misc high level data about African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics, Asians, Women and Young People.

When you are a small business owner, answering the question of what are important customer demographics can make or break your marketing efforts.

Customer Demographics are defined by Wikipedia as including “gender, race, age, income, disabilities, mobility (in terms of travel time to work or number of vehicles available), educational attainment, home ownership, employment status, and even location.”

These types of classifications can help us to target the right kind of marketing to the customers we are trying to attract.

Top customer demographic categories to look for:

  • gender
  • race (ethnicity)
  • age (date of birth)
  • household income
  • home ownership (length of residence, home size, mortgage)
  • disabilities
  • education
  • employment status
  • children
  • location
  • type of car(s)
  • marital status (head of household, spouse)
  • savings, cd, 401k

Demographic Resources

  • Census Bureau data – free to use and a wealth of demographic information.
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics Demographic categories used by the BLS include sex, age, race and ethnic origin.
  • Social Security Fact Sheet – Misc high level data about African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics, Asians, Women and Young People.
  • Tax Records – Tax records can generally be found by searching “tax assessor's office” for the county that you are are researching. This data is a goldmine for length of residency, mortgage information, tax exemptions and deferrals.

Related Content :: Customer Demographics – Age Ranges, Generational Names and Numbers

Want More Customer Demographics?

  • Customer Demographics – Age Demographics for Advertising

How To Use Consumer Demographics In Consumer Behaviour

Casino Customer Demographics

Years ago marketers used demographic data to target broad swaths of their market when looking for potential customers. Maybe they were targeting a particular subdivision for a direct mail piece or found out all the people who had registered for a small business license to sell their business services.

Now we can use the demographics tools within sites like Facebook to laser target our marketing to specific demographics including the ones above PLUS recent marriage engagements, life events like graduating college, new teen drivers or even “Empty Nesters” who may have additional time or financial resources available!

Here is a super good post that has practial examples of how to use Facebook targeting, 5 Ridiculously Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies

Additional Customer Demographic Resources:

Customer Demographics – Age Ranges, Generational Names and Numbers. Really good post breaking down generational demographic data.

Customer Demographics Versus The Perfect Customer Profile If you are trying to figure out your “Customer Avatar” by using demographic data, this is a great post to show the difference between demographic data and finding your perfect customer.

Small Business Customer Demographics A more general overview of Customer Demographics, this one will help you to laser focus on the customers you should be targeting.

She-Conomy Awesome compilation of statistics about marketing to women!

Casino Customer Demographics

Examples small business demographics market segmentation:

All this customer demographic data is great but if you don't know to use and implement it in the real world, it is not actually all that helpful!


Here are a few examples of how you can use demographics in practice for your marketing efforts. Help for understanding the demographics…


Hairdresser and Salon Customer Demographics

If you are selling haircuts, you could have a number of different types of clients. You could cater to young, african american males who are looking for edgy cuts OR you could target middle aged women who need a cut and color every six weeks or so. BELIEVE ME, the marketing to attract these two groups are going to be VERY different and trying to hit both of them would be impossible. For both the younger crowd and the ladies, Facebook is a good answer. You will want to target people in your geographic location (another demographic).

Financial Services Customer Demographics

This is a little easier. While everyone can afford a haircut, financial services people need to target consumers and business owners who are in a higher income range and who are interested in increasing their wealth. This customer will generally be older than 40, have a higher level of education and are probably currently employed. You can start relationships on Facebook, but you will grow a level of trust more easily with an email newsletters or videos of your service offerings.

Casino Player Demographics

Real Estate Customer Demographics

Las Vegas Casino Demographics

I have to say, as an industry I think that some Realtors are a little bit more focused on customer demographics than other small business owners are. OBVIOUSLY a first time homebuyer couple in their early 20's or 30's will need to have a different marketing message than empty nesters looking for a second home. While most Realtors will work with anyone who will fog a mirror, I KNOW that they would be more successful if they at least had different campaigns for the different target groups they serve.

I could go on and on, but hopefully you can start to get an idea of how to pick some demographics that could represent your ideal customer.

Social Casino Demographics

NOW, choosing your target customer demographics can seem like profiling rather than simply targeting demographics. While profiling is hurtful and unfair, demographics are used so that you can get your message out to a group of people who will be receptive to hearing your message. It will also allow you to save marketing dollars, as you will not be spending money with ads in places where your ideal customer does not frequent.

Gambling Demographics

Fun exercise – One thing I have heard people do is to pick your important customer demographics and then make up a person who matches them. You could find a stock photo of someone who epitomizes your marketing criteria and then name him or her. That way, instead of trying to imagine what a made up person thinks or would buy, you can “sell” to someone you get to know!